Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Crochet Font - StitchinCrochet

So, the first version of Stitchin Crochet is here! Last night I finished the first of three fonts for the "Stitchin" font family that will cover crochet, knitting, and knitted cables.

Here is a sample preview!
 Note that this sample does not include all of the glyphs/symbols in the final font. In fact, it contains about half of them. Check out the keyboard layout for more of the symbols.

 Stitchin Crochet is available for purchase here.


Elemmaciltur said...

Looks great!

Oh, and all these crocheting and talks about it got me going on crocheting, too!

Maru said...

Hi!! This crochet font looks awesome!!! Do you share it? Sell it??? Where can I get it??? Any info willbe greatly appreciated....
Best regards and congrats on your font,
Maru (from Lima - Perú)

adriprints said...

It can be purchased from

Thanks for your interest!

Lightning said...

Hi - Thanks for your great and useful font. I had hoped I could import it to Designaknit to use on their graph, but it doesn't show up on their font list. Also, how can I manipulate the font and use each "letter" as a free-floating iamge to turn any direction, color, bold, etc? Can I do that in Illustrator? (haven't tested it much - just purchased today & looking for tips).

adriprints said...

@ Lightning:

Yes, Illustrator would be my font manipulator of choice. I don't know "Designaknit" or what fonts it can identify, so I'm not sure how to help you there.

But, there are several ways you can manipulate the symbols with Illustrator. You can type on a circular path, or you can arrange each symbol individually after converting them into outlines. I hope that helps!

Unknown said...

Hi, I was wondering if your fonts work on a Mac as well, I'd love to use them!

adriprints said...

Yes, I believe they do, but since I do not own a Mac I cannot be 100% sure. I design fonts and export them as both TrueType and OpenType. So, in theory, yes one of those file formats should work for your Mac. I'll test this out with my brother who has a Mac just to be sure...

Unknown said...

Hi Adri,
this is Alice again. :-)
I purchased the fonts and I'm super happy about them, they are just what I was looking for.
A girl on Ravelry said she got a pdf file with her fonts, but I didn't.
I was wondering of this is normal since I bought the Mac "pack"?
To know where each font is on the keyboard I'm using the picture of the keyboard on this page, but I was wondering if in this pdf file there were, perhaps, more info?
Thanks and sorry for bothering you again...
Merry Christmas,

adriprints said...


When you purchased your font, it should have come with 3 .pdf files. It is not very obvious, but if you look back into your account and find the font once more, choose manual installation. Install it someplace obvious like your desktop , unzip the file, and in this newly unzipped file you should find the three files. If not you have other options here under this posting:

Shalene said...


I bought the Stitchin Crochet Pro font.
Do I need to get the Stitchin Crochet font as well?

adriprints said...

Nope. You don't need it unless you want a specific glyph that was included in one but not the other.

Unknown said...

Could you please tell me what stitch the capital N stitch is? I have a pattern that has this symbol in it but the pattern does not include it in the symbol key. This is the only place I have found this stitch on the Internet and I need to know what it is called so I can learn the stitch. Thanks!

adriprints said...

For specific questions about which glyph represents what symbol, please refer to the stitch key available when you download the font. Please note, there are two files. One is this handy keyboard layout, and another that details each stitch.