Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Knit: Orange Blossom Camisole

Just published yesterday, my design "Orange Blossom Camisole" is now public.  It was published by the European Fiber Network who is developing a calendar (spelled "KALendar") so people can knit along!  On Ravelry, you can find it here.

This pattern was inspired by the orange blossoms of my hometown, Miami.  I interpreted the blossoms into a lace motif with a nupp at the center.  Dare I say a bobble/nupp tutorial is heading our way?


Ruth said...

That's so pretty - wish I could knit

adriprints said...

Glad you like it! Learning to knit isn't so out of reach if you have access to YouTube... I have some links on the side of my blog on learning to knit/crochet.