This week was a very freeing experience for me. Before this year's Bootcamp and MATS class, I hadn't done a proper painting in forever. I was a scenic artist for half of my 20's and had painted giant scenic backdrops, kitschy scenic flats, furniture, design illustrations, etc. And, this week felt like I was taking all that experience, plus a distinct perspective as an adult and I was able to just let it flow.
Here is the final mocked up in a frame...
The assignment called on several specific requirements - choose a pair of colors based on our zodiac sign, use collage, include text. My sign corresponded to the colors pink & yellow. I was really excited about pink & yellow, but truthfully, I would have been excited no matter what the color combo. I love getting direction and parameters to work within, and I also love color. Yay color!
Next we had to collect 2-D and smallish 3-D items that were in our colors, a color scavenger hunt! My studio is lightyears beyond the mess that it was last year. I've tossed so much, and even then, I managed to have no shortage of things in these colors.
button collection and swatch for gloves WIP |
ancient i-pod and lovely silks |
And, once I figured out how I was gonna work, I was off to the races. I didn't have a large enough canvas so I worked on five little canvases that I would seam together digitally. Dekopatch, gesso, matte medium, acrylics, markers, pens, post-it notes, paper, rice paper, fabric, buttons, tissue paper, cardboard, and stamps... to name some of the things I used to make this piece. While things were drying, I rotated the canvases and made linocut plates. I had a really good flow going, and I was listening to my fave tunes on the ancient i-pod.
lino cut and watercolor dots |
The next part, the digital seaming, was a bit more tedious, but it allowed for a kind of freedom that I hadn't had before with paint. The ability to "undo" is an amazing weight lifted off one's shoulders. The fear of making the next mark is completely gone, and it was great!
This project was tons of fun, y'all. Tons.
Wow! Awesome wall art Adriana!
I had so much fun painting and putting it together. I really want to do more work like this! I enjoyed it very much. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
It came out beautifully! Love seeing your process!
Thank you, Melissa! Means a lot to me to hear it! :)
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